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(SPEECH-to-TEXT) Interpreting + Translating
Fluent and unForgettable
language services

For conferences, interviews or annual reports,
we meet all your language needs.

(SPEECH-to-TEXT) Interpreting + Translating
Fluent and unForgettable
language services

For conferences, interviews or annual reports,
we meet all your language needs.

(SPEECH-to-TEXT) Interpreting + Translating
Fluent and unForgettable
language services

For conferences, interviews or annual reports,
we meet all your language needs.

(SPEECH-to-TEXT) Interpreting + Translating
Fluent and unForgettable
language services

For conferences, interviews or annual reports,
we meet all your language needs.



We are specialists in translating legal and commercial texts, contracts and legislative texts, as well as legal opinions and annual reports.

We deliver texts that underscore the professional image of your company:

  • Thorough preparation of the topic

  • Terminological consistency throughout, even in large-scale team projects

  • Comprehensive and meticulous execution of the translation process

  • Linguistic and stylistic precision

  • Proofreading by native-speaker translation experts

  • How are the fees for technical translations calculated?
  • What makes for a good technical translation?

Prominent law offices, chartered accountants and government agencies, as well as leading corporations are among our clients

How are the fees for technical translations calculated?

The price of a translation is calculated on the basis of a line rate per standard line of the translated text (target text). One standard line consists of 55 characters including spaces. The line rate depends on various factors such as the subject matter, the degree of difficulty and the urgency of the assignment. The cost of proofreading by a native speaker language expert is included in the line rate. In some countries, it is customary to charge by the word rather than by the line. However, the length of the composite words frequently found in German technical texts make this method less suitable for translations from or into German. An exception is PowerPoint presentations, where billing is on a per-word basis or by the hour. Additional services, such as the reading of proofs, are subject to an hourly rate.

What makes for a good technical translation?

The basic prerequisite for a successful translation is the translator’s exceptionally high level of linguistic competence (in both the source and target languages). Translators have usually acquired these skills from a university or college degree program. Broad-based knowledge in a wide variety of areas, refined intercultural competence and thoroughness in research are also key job requirements. Even before the translation project begins, translators must clarify basic aspects of the project, such as technical terminology, target audience, purpose (for example, a working translation or for publication) and other requirements with the client. Ideally, translators and clients remain in contact throughout the project. Translations into languages that are not the translator’s mother tongue are, of course, checked by expert native-speaking proofreaders.

Our References